Insider Secrets to give your job search and career an edge

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Inside you will have access to insider secrets to finding a job and getting hired fast from an industry leading headhunter.  Learn techniques and strategies within the resources, tools, services and training that will give you an edge and help you stand out in the gigantic sea of candidates.  These are secrets that no career coach will tell you.
This content will be forever growing and changing as the employment landscape evolves, keeping you ahead of the game and always walking through those doors as the #1 candidate.
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Headhunter Insider Secrets to finding a job and getting hired fast
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One of the biggest drawbacks of finding a new job is feeling like you’re all alone in the search process. That’s why we’ve created a Private Community specifically for members to share, collaborate, ask questions, give/receive feedback, share exclusive job opportunities they have uncovered, and learn from each other. We also provide expert feedback in the group in real time, all the time.
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No other headhunter can give you this level of access behind the curtain of the hiring system and reveal the insider secrets that will give you an edge in your job search and career
Meet the Headhunter Insider…
Michael Neufeld

Michael Neufeld is an industry leading headhunter hired by companies looking to hire and retain the best talent.

During his career he has recruited and hired hundreds of people​ across the country while recruiting in the trenches.  While recruiting and consulting for some of the best companies in the country he has personally spoken to or interviewed over ​10,000 people at all stages of their careers from front line to the executive level.  Michael has worked with all sizes of organizations from large multi-billion-dollar organizations to small companies and he has seen and heard it all.​​

All that said, Michael’s most important qualification is none of those things.  Instead, it’s one that requires no education, formal training, or years of professional experience.  He is passionate about recruiting and the impact it has on​​ business and on the careers of ​​talented individuals.  As an outsider looking in on an organization it gives you a unique perspective of how talent impacts an organization.

That’s why he created the Headhunter Insider, which is the collection of insights and strategies he has absorbed as a student of recruiting and hiring that you can now apply to your job search.  You can leverage his insider knowledge to land your dream job.

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